Highschool Algebra

About Course
It takes students on mathematical journey that starts with evaluating simple and single variable expressions, continues with linear systems and challenges them with graphing multi variable equations.
Students would see how maths is used in real life scenarios ranging from Pipefitting to major projects.
Performing four arithmetic operations using like and unlike radical terms and express the result in simplest forum
- Simplify in Algebra
- Squares and Square roots in Algebra
Simplify radical terms (no variable in the radicand)
- Squares and Square Roots
- nth Roots
Understand nad use of scientific notation to compute products and quotients of large or small numbers
- Standard Form
- Scientific Notation
- Index Notation-Powers of 10
- Definition of Scientific Notation
Evaluate expressions involving factorial(s), absolute value(s) and exponential expression(s)
- Laws of Exponents
- Absolute Value
- Absolute Value Function
- Factorial Function
- Absolute Value in Algebra
- Definition of Absolute Value
- Definition of Factorial
Understand dividing by zero is undefined
- Reciprocal
- Dividing by Zero
- Reciprocal of a Fraction
- Zero Product Property
Understand what is meant by a recurring decimal and how it is written
- Does 0.0999…….equal 1?
- Convert Decimals to Fractions
Know how to calculate n! for whole numbers n and the relationship between n! And (n-1)!
- Factorial Function!
Understand what is meant by infinity and that infinity is not a Real number.
- What is Infinity?
- Real Number
Understand what is meant by an imaginary number and a complex number
- Complex Numbers
- The Evolution of Numbers
- Real Numbers
- Imaginary Numbers